2021 R4R Thread:


I would love to do r4r with you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
reply here or PM me if youโ€™re interested :hearts:

:sparkles: Story details: :sparkles:
Episodes: 5 (ongoing)
Genre: Adventure
Style: LL
You volunteer to be the first human to test time travel, going only an hour forward with time. But when you leave travel pod, all other humans are gone. (CC)
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5951939237445632
I send screenshots as proof.

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Hi everyone so I finished my fairy tail contest entry and I would love to do a r4r with you

Title: Not so Prince Charming

Description: After you parents die your all alone with your wicked stepmom and mean half sisters until there is a masquerade ball at the castle but the prince isnโ€™t as charming as you thought

Genre: Romance

Chapters: 3

Do you have an instagram for the ss?

Yes my instagram is Meghan_on_episode but I do have a reading list so I will read your story as soon as I can


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thanks for this thread - iโ€™ll take this opportunity to promote my story as well : p if anyone would like to do r4r just pm me or just reply hereโ€ฆ

story name: Butterfly Effect
currently on ongoing - 11 chapters
description: Two vivid souls whose story is told perfectly by anyone, even after their time apart from each other. However, in a cruel world of tragedy & sorrowโ€ฆ perfection does not exist.
hereโ€™s the link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6578776926519296

Do you have an instagram?

yup!! : ) @lany.episode

Iโ€™ll send the screenshots there when I finish

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5x5 i assume?

Yeah that would work

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alright! iโ€™ll start reading later today <3 canโ€™t wait

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My instagram is @Nora_writes_episode

Title: Loveless BFFs
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Author: Nora
Type: Limelight
Description: Gabriella a not so normal girl who falls in love to easily and Nora a girl who doesnโ€™t believe in love at all. They both seem to have perfect lives going to a fancy university on a scholarship. But Gabriella isnโ€™t too bright when it comes to love and Nora would rather be alone. Charlotte, Audrey and Kam, Noraโ€™s sisters like to participate in hilarious schemes to find out things they probably shouldnโ€™t know. What happens when Gabriella meets Alex and Nora gets set up.
Story Link: //episodeinteractive.com/s/5880150882451456

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Hi, I would love to do a R4R!
I hope you like it!
Also I would appreciate a feedback! (not necessary of course)
Title- My Sins
Author ig- @sophia_epiisode
Link- http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4833391129329664
Description- He is hot, unforgiving, dangerous while u are the queen bee of a college who just managed to get ur heartbrokenโ€ฆrunning into a sexy encounter with him opens doors for u (CC, LL)

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Sure, we can send the ss through instagram.

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Sure! You can dm me!

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Hi Iโ€™m up for R4R and G4G if anyone wants to