A few things I need help with...own story replays, speech bubbles

Hi there! I am writing a story, and have been for a while, but I constantly go back through and re-read my story on my phone while editing it on my computer. I like to proof my story on my phone because I get a more accurate feel of what its like for a reader/can check if everythings working well. I used to be able to replay a lot of times, mostly it would say my replays were full but then would start one of the episodes over that I could use, but these last two weeks I can not figure out how to replay it! I’ve played it probably 20-30 times before, but now I can’t get back to episode 1. Is there a way to do this with your own story? I have done it before, but never knew how it was mostly just luck.
One more thing I have a question on is speech bubbles sometimes… when the speech bubble is reset to default sometimes it looks like all the talking is coming from one charachter. Like if i have a char on screen left and on screen right, and they each are respectively talking, sometimes all the bubbles point to the left, even if the person on the right is talking, and speech bubbles are set to default. Any advice?

Thank you guys!!!

You need to go in the “create” section, and there you can find your own story. You should be able to navigate it in the same way you could when it was unpublished

You need to specify the speech bubble spot to modify its “tail” position, there’s no other way