A little help needed

Ho can i make that two characters stand with the back to each other the girl not happy and the boy in love.


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What you mean?

@CHARACTER1 stands screen left AND CHARACTER1 faces left AND CHARACTER1 is idle_sad
@CHARACTER2 stands upscreen left AND CHARACTER2 faces left AND CHARACTER2 is blush

and then spot them and write there stands screen left or stands upscreen left …

No than i get this

that i can do with the spot director but the script gives the wrong direction.

wait let me check

@CHARACTER1 spot 1.145 98 49 AND CHARACTER1 faces left AND CHARACTER1 is idle_sad
@CHARACTER2 spot 1.078 220 99 AND CHARACTER2 faces left AND CHARACTER2 is blush

do like this

Nope they are not standing with the back to each other, and anneke does not need to be sad she has enough off him but he is in love.

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well you can check animations as you want her to be…and i don’t understand what you mean by back to each other?

they have to stand with there backs to each other not facing each other.

Have one character face right and the other face left

@CHARACTER1 spot 1.133 155 50 AND CHARACTER1 faces right AND CHARACTER1 is idle_sad
@CHARACTER2 spot 1.089 115 74 AND CHARACTER2 faces left AND CHARACTER2 is blush

DO it like this

nope i get this

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You wrote faces twice

write face 1 time u write it twice

i,m happy for you::smile:

now it is good :grinning: i just need to change the spots with the spot director.
This is my base for a cover so i need to take a picture when i preview without al dows help and directhing stuff is this possible. :smirk:

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