A Message to Episode

I don’t know if Episode will see this or not. Maybe the moderators could pass this on to the rest of the Episode team? I don’t know.
There have been many issues with Episode lately. It seems they are running out of ideas of what to write, since they are taking some stories from another writing platform and transferring them to Episode. Writers are also asking for more than what Episode is releasing. (We don’t really know how many things they are currently working on though.) Episode is a successful business (people say that anyway, and it isn’t hard to believe.) But Episode needs to change.
Here’s what I think Episode should do:

  1. Create ads showing concepts other than romance, and use them along with the current ones. This will draw in people with different interests, creating a more diverse community.
  2. Write stories with no romance or optional romance. You can write just as much romance as you do now! But don’t force it. Not everyone wants it. Create new and interesting stories, too! Write about a person who can throw fireballs! Write about a zombie apocalypse! Write about a medieval war! Expand your stories!
  3. Feature some stories that aren’t all about romance. Stories without romance are just as worthy of being featured as stories that have romance.
  4. Strive for more diversity! Make sure everyone is accepted within the Episode community.
  5. Listen to feedback. I can’t say you never do. I have seen comments on the forums from people working at Episode, replying to requests. Although something that seems long overdue would be different body types. If you do this, you could make a new body shape and slowly adapt clothing to that shape. There’s no need to rush. Another thing a lot of people want are pets. The story “Positively Princess” uses horses, though I don’t know if they are actual characters or animated overlays. Either way, animal characters would be cool to have, and are even crucial. Maybe you could release just cats and dogs, and slowly add new features with other updates.
    I hope this reaches the Episode team and that they consider trying out these suggestions.
    And even though this talks about how Episode themselves should improve, I think those of us using the forums should be more supportive of Episode. We should not refrain from being critics, but we need to support Episode too. Just because they are a business doesn’t mean no one should bother giving them support.

Add “Adding diversity correctly.” Cause they don’t add it correctly at times.


That’s true, unfortunately. “Love Life” has no sexuality options. You can’t choose who you fall in love with, you just fall in love with all of the boy characters.


I’m sorry but I respectfully disagree, the episode writers Don’t have to make stories at all, I’m guessing people are really lacking episode specialty.


No, they don’t have to, but they continue to make them.


They should write a larger variety of story plots, though.

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For example its like this, I don’t have to make cupcakes but I like doing it so I will continue doing it because it’s what I ENJOY.


Are you saying Episode would continue their ways because they enjoy so? I’m getting kinda confused :joy: Don’t mind me much, I am kinda tired so I can’t think well


Their stories inspire other people to write, so, they should at least write about more things.


That’s too easy its giving you a guide episode loves writing loves stories, making stories like pregnancies,teacher love, abuse, you all came up with that on your own without episodes help.

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True. Episode inspires some things, though I have no idea where the gangs stories came from. They “Bad Boy’s Girl” story is probably what started all the bad boy stories.


I think you are not understanding. Stories they are making is continuous and constant. Along with giving others the wrong message a lot and influencing them. What you are saying that “If you have a problem with the stories ways, make your own” which puts you in the wrong. The problem is Episode claims to be a diverse app with people and genres l but keeps making the same story over and over again.


The news or something

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What about the news?

I get what you’re saying it does say it’s a app for everyone but think of it like this. Can they really add every diversity

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There was probably a story on the news and they decided to write about it l

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Maybe they can’t add every diversity but they are missing a preventable amount.


They don’t add some of it correctly and we are not saying they should include every disability and race. No, we want them to include some of them along with doing it correctly instead for publicity

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Everybody wants episode to add more diversity, there is already some diversity, every race just wants to include their race