So some groups have drama and I have made this group to show people’s talent and how people can get along even though they may be angry at the other groups.

This group will be drama free and kick anyone causing drama out

You can share your best on here and I will approve it or not but it can even be an overlay or a cover you’ve done.

You must also be courageous and love to help people.

People that judge aren’t allowed.

Say your name and why you would like to join and a picture of art.

You are allowed to be in another group

You can even do a stickmen on a background you’ve made.

President - @Helpieme

Vice President - @AMANI182-EPISODEEEEE

Head Of Editing -

Members Of Editing -

Head Of Advertising-

Members Of Advertising -

Good luck :wink:


Hi Katie!!! Whoohoo

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Hi :joy::joy:

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Are we allowed to be in another group as well?

Are we allowed to be in another group to join?

OPPS I was late lol


Yes you are

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So do you want to join anyone?



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Approved they is so good I’ll tag you at top for VP

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Wow you can’t join what would you like to be for a role like head of editing or art or something as you’re the third joining you can in charge in it

Can sorry

I hate the spell checker

Any position is fine with me. It’s your group after all. :ok_woman:

haha same, auto correct is terrible


YOu can be in charge of art scenes or art as an overall

Which one

Sure, I’ll be head of editing then.

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That’s good you suit I think perfectly as well as you’re super nice

Why, thank you! :blush: Can’t wait to see this group grow.

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Thanks yeah I’m happy to have people like you :grinning::grinning: