Abby's Art Requests (TEMP CLOSED)

Thank you! I really like it!

Thank you i love it

@L.M.Tayliam - Here are your covers! I hope you like them. I don’t know if the first cover will be rejected because of the word Instagram but please tell me again if it does and I will disclude that word. Also, the @ and underscore usually won’t be inserted into most cursive fonts, so I left it as print (and also the author name to keep a balance). Hope you like it!

Small Cover

Large Cover

Don’t hesitate to ask for a redo. Please request again!

@L.M.Taylia - Here is your title splash. Please download from the link below and NOT the image shown. I hope you like it!


Don’t hesitate to ask for a redo. Please request again!

@GGAbbyGG Thank you so much these are all very amazing. They’re all perfect. Again, thank you so much

Hey everybody. I am creating a story and I wanted to know what your thoughts are on my cover art that I made for it, I added it to my examples because I’m very proud of it!

Small Cover

Large Cover


Your cover looks great! I can tell you’re an experienced artist. :slight_smile:

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Hello, Abby! I wanted to let you know that I went to the forum and requested several splashes for my new Episode story: Band to Broadway!

I wanted to ask if I can possibly get the template for when you make the splashes that I requested. I have the first five episode titles written out, but so I don’t burden you, I would like to have the rest to make myself when the time comes. Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Abby, I requested a splash and I made a mistake. I put that I want the title of the story in the episodes splash, but I don’t. If possible, can you fix it or not put it in. (P.S, I not trying to be that one annoying person.)
Thanks if you can fixe it or not put it in.

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@thatonegirlsyrai - Here are your cover arts! I added an effect to the second one to make it look less simple. :slight_smile: Hope you like them!

Small Cover

Large Cover

Don’t hesitate to ask for a redo. Please request again!

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@jenni456 - Here is your sound splash. I hope you like it! (click image to get the full resolution and then download)

Don’t hesitate to ask for a redo. Please request again!

@LaurieKrisette - Here is your title and sound splash! I hope you like it. (click to see the full resolution > download)

Don’t hesitate to ask for a redo. Please request again.

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@L.M.Taylia - Here are your episode splashes, I hope you like them! Also, requesting a lot doesn’t bother me. :slight_smile: (click to view full resolution > download)

Don’t hesitate to ask for a redo. Please request again!

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I Love it! Thanks a million! :smile:

@Bubbles - Here are your episode splashes! I hope you like them. (click to view full resolution > download)

Don’t hesitate to ask for a redo. Please request again!

@epy.paige1 - Here is your instagram splash! Hope you like it. (click to view full resolution > download)

Don’t hesitate to ask for a redo. Please request again!

I accidentally pressed: small cover, but i ment a large cover :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: oh and Tyrian and Slay are a couple
Here are the characters

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Thanks, I love them. Is it possible for me to request for more when I need them. Cause I want to continue this story.
Again, thanks so much. You are an artist.

Yes of course! Request as you need them. I just only allow 5 at a time so I’m not working all day on only 1 customer. :slight_smile:

Awesome, I’ll request 2 next time because I release in batches.