Accusations [GAME]

@rosesonfire sang baby shark over 15 times to the whole world

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@SkyM sang munny sharks for an hour.

@Silver_Shadow wrote dat song


@24aya stole it and tell people she wrote it!


@SkyM is making things up! @DazzledSnowFlake was throwing stones I manufactured only at pupils but not at all people!


@Silver_Shadow stole it from me first before and now saying everyone it was me who stole da song

@24aya killed my talking parrot and his last words were: “Admit that you stole that song”. @24aya didn’t complete my murdered parrot’s last wish :unamused:

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@Claaaire thinks I will kill da parrot :upside_down_face: but I just put him in freezer so he will not get hot :sob::sob::sob: not my fault

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@24aya didn’t listen to my parrot while putting him in a freezer. My parrot said that he wants to listen to Scorpions. Instead of them @24aya put in the freezer an mp3 player with Justin Bieber songs. My parrot died from loosing too much blood from his ears :sob:

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@Claaaire ate the parrot in the freezer because she thought it was a chicken because @24aya had plucked the parrot before putting him in the freezer


@Claaaire is not understanding da fact that I accidentally put bibers song for him :sob: how should I know which voice who’s :scream:

@SkyM is lying! I didn’t eat my parrot because I thought he was a chicken. I always knew it was just a modern haircut. But the parrot was already dead when I opened the freezer, so… He was very tasty. :yum:
But the fact that @24aya killed him makes me furious lol

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@Claaaire ate her lovely parrot and is Accusing me for giving her new food - tarren (da talking parrot chicken )

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@24aya was torturing my poor parrot with biber songs until he died

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@Claaaire didn’t told me his song are bad if she had done it :upside_down_face: I would have make da parrot listen good songs

@24aya forgot that my parrot told her that he wants to listen to Scorpions

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@Claaaire didn’t know that I tried searching for their song :sob: but I didn’t able to find it…so I put da first one listed there

@24aya is making up excuses! I’m sure she killed my parrot on purpose! BTW, after @24aya killed my poor talking parrot she also stole his cage… Lol

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@Claaaire isn’t seeing dat cage is now of no use :smirk: so that why I stole get it for mah paper birds

@24aya killed my talking parrot so that she could steal his cage for her paper birds that don’t even need any cage because they are made from paper! I’m sure @24aya is hiding smth…

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