Advanced writer/coder/artist buddy/group needed:)

hello everyone i am a new writer and im struggling with character placement and other things. i already have a story line planned out but i would love to have a writing partner pls lemme know if you are interested.


Hi! Do you still need some help?

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yes i do! do you think you can help?

Do you still need some help?

Yeah for sure!

yes! rn im making and episode account for messaging so just send me your ig so i can dm u

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ok same for u! rn im making and episode account for messaging so just send me your ig so i can dm u

I’m able to help if you ever need it <33

ok thank you could you send me your ig so i can dm u?

It’s emma.epistories

ok ill dm u in a couple hours thank you again!

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hi there ,

u still need someone to assist with writing ?

its writtenbyanna

sure! i have a main writing partner already but i will make a creaters circle just send me your ig!


if u ever need help with coding, custom backgrounds and overlays, I’m ready to help

i have created a group if you are wanting to join!