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Hello this is the first of a series of stories

Title: Total Control _ Rise
Author: Tc World
Genre: Fantasy/Musical/Drama
Description: A talented artist and her old high school team are interviewed by a reporter on live tv. They speak about the events that took place during high school. Watch as you are taken back in time to where chaos ruled a school, students fighting and disrespecting one another. It’s now up to a girl and her team to change a once great school back to its former glory by taking control of it.

Note: The main story of this title shows the last two years of their time at school in full detail. You, the reader must climb your way up the ranks and obtain leadership of an army of students that ally with other schools to ward off enemy schools and maintain peace. A total of nine different schools will be used and stories of each will be presented in time.

**Which character has CC:**The reader’s avatar which will be used in the main story
Number of episodes: 6 out of a total of 15
How often are episodes released: Episodes are released in chapters, 3 episodes per chapter which takes about 2 weeks
Art style: Limelight
**How long are episodes:**vary between 15_30 mins episode 1 is very long
Do choices matter: In this story no but in the main story yes
How many endings: one but consists of multiple perspectives


Follow me on instagram @tcworld.epy
Cover art


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Edit: currently unavailable

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