Afro Latina and Latino Characters?

Hey everyone.

So a couple things:

  1. How can a properly portray an Afro Latina and Latino in my story. I don’t see much representation on the platform and I want to make it apparent that the character is not just black.
  2. How come I see NO Afro Latinas or Latinos in any story. Of course, as a writer, I am going to do this myself but I just want to know why the lack of representation.

If you guys have any tips for me in terms of appropriately showing the reader that character is and Afro Latina/Latino that would be great! -especially if you are this ethnicity!

I also made this so people could recognize this other ethnic group which seems to not be represented on Episode (or anywhere really). So if there are any up and coming writers maybe make an Afro Latina the main character?
#epirepri (episode representation)

^idk if hashtags are a thing in episode forums


Honestly Latinxs in general come in all shades, hair textures, etc.
It would be nice to have some typical clothing from our countries but other than that I feel you can make a good amount of Afro Latinx or Latinx characters out of the options presented.


@RudeInception unrelated to topic, but

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :tada::gift_heart::sparkles::cake::gift::tada::two_hearts:

Thanks :blue_heart:



I sometimes do but not a lot. And even if they are, people on Episode always makes them Copper toned, never have Afro textured hair, gives them light/hazel eyes, and/or always lightskinned. It’s annoying.

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This is so true! Latinos can have darker skin tones and most ones i know have curly hair :woman_facepalming: so yes they exist

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Some great ways to portray them is to represent how they look in real life. For example, look up Afro-Latina or Latina actresses or singers and base it off of their characteristics. It is possible for Latinas to have light hair or light eyes, but it’s more common for them to have dair hair and eyes. Probably try doing some with light eyes and dark hair, or light hair and dark eyes, and then dark hair and eyes. My dad’s family is from Argentina and they have hazel eyes (so do i) and dark hair. I learned about the history of Argentina and there have been some prominent women with light hair and eyes. For example, former first lady, Eva Perón has strawberry blond hair. Just try to represent all different types of Latinas and don’t give all Latina characters darker features. In my story, my main character and her family are from Mexico, so they have darker features because that’s very common in Mexico, so I guess, also try to base it around where they, and/or their family is from.

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Hey! I know I’m late, but my main character is an Afro Latina who chooses to straighten her hair. It becomes apparent why she does in later chapters, as it is not the main focus of the story. I have been doing tons of research and asking the Latina and Latino members of our episode community how to portray their culture correctly. I would love to discuss our stories (that is if you want to)!