Am I the Only One...? Age?

I think most writers are in their late teens and early twenties. I feel like there should be an age divide when you download the app it asks for your age and maybe a verification through email. Then younger readers and writers can write on one portal, and the older people on a separate one, just because some stories are more mature.


Hi! 24 year old here! Just wondering, is anyone of you RP-ing on the forums or are you just writing stories?

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i,m 14

18 here

33, i’m feeling old. :joy:

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I’m 22 :blush:

im 14 in 9 days

Hi all, I’m 35 and it’s lovely to see a wide age range of users :slight_smile:


We’re in the same club! I’m 21 and have been using Episode for wayyy too long haha


I’m 35 also :grin:


Nice to meet everyone! :smiley:


Hey, I’m 22 and I’m an Episode writer! :slight_smile:

I’m 24 and a episode writer

i’m “old” too !!:smiley:
haha I’m 26. will be 27 next month…

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I’m nineteen and a writer! I’m not much of a reader anymore because, well… yeah. Lol.
I do read the occasional decent story though, lol.

I’m 22, too! It makes it a lot harder to relate to high school stories, especially since none of them are anything like the experiences I had. There are plenty of older community members, though.

23…i feel very old.
Dont feel like i identify with my age group and too “old” to be “relating” to highschool issues? Idk…feel odd

I’m 25! :see_no_evil:

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It’s so nice to see many people here that are 20+! I feel like that makes more mature stories and story plots available for older readers that might not connect with a story made by a 13 year old.
I, myself am 21.
Is anyone here 20+ and from Norway? Or a country in Europe?