Am I the only one

Have you ever made a cover/art scene or anything that took time to complete? I once spent 1 week making a art scene+ a cover and they were all like “omg I loooove it!” But when I gave them the finished product they just ghosted me… I honestly hate this and it makes me so embarrassed.


I actually had the opposite, I asked somebody for a cover/art scene and they completely ignored me on two different accounts.


Omg! Who could do something like that to you :angry:?! Making art takes lots of time and is very hard I completely understand that :pensive:.

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Happened to many many times actually, I mean I don’t care if they didn’t like it! They could’ve just told me so, so I didn’t need to waste any more time :sweat_smile:

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That is unbelievable :angry:, I feel sorry for that.

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No need to be sorry! I’ve now developed with my art, and I’ve got authors that truly use my art now! :heart::heart:

Okay now that’s something happy about this thread, good for you :grinning:!


Lol same happened to me a long time ago. The first time I opened requests on my acc, I got a cover request. I was so proud of it and when I sent it to the girl, she said she loved it. Decided I’d have a look at her story that she was gonna use it for… and it was a completely different one. I felt a bit upset that my hard work was shrugged off like that, but I got over it quickly.


That sucks!


Oooooh I hate when this happens :rage:
It feels like they’re throwing out hard work down the drain!
Good covers aren’t all that easy to make, so they should be appreciated!



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I’ve had this happen a few times and it does suck. And the one time I made covers for someone and they said they loved them and so on. Then I noticed a few hours later they requested the same covers on a different art thread. :neutral_face:



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