Amberose's Live Thoughts on Your Stories

Ok, this makes more sense. I have to be honest, action is the hardest genre for me to get into so I miss important details all the time :woman_facepalming: In movies, TV shows and now Episode stories too I guess.

Oh OF COURSE! Wow, throwback.

If you plan to break them up though, you will need to speak to me hmph!

YESSSSS! I love this idea. If you’re confident enough with this idea too, using easing functions with word overlays and zooms can really make that kind of intro feel action-y. Jem made a thread here: HOW TO: Use Easing Functions :disco: And I think you have the type of story that would work well with these

Ahaha, first of all… Thank you so much. Comments like this make it all worth it and gah, thank you so much for understanding. My boyfriend was literally at my throat every time he saw the forums open on my laptop :rofl:

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