Amberose's Live Thoughts on Your Stories

@Penspaperanddreams1 - Agent 99

  • So with the character avatar, my character didn’t show up? I thought this was due to the glitch though, so I tried to exit but it wouldn’t let me without customizing and then it when back to the story anyway, so I have no idea what happened there.

  • Ooh, spotlight. It’s been a while since I’ve read spotlight. I know most people hate it, but I find it alright.

  • “Hot stranger” lol.

  • Hmmm, I like how these points seem to work. I’ve only got one, but a culture point is not something you come across in just any episode story.

  • Some of your transitions look like they’re fade ins, when they should be fade outs.

  • I mean, the cheating this was kind of expected. But I like how you did it, making MC thinking she was going to get proposed to.

  • Well well well, did not see this turning into a heist!!!

  • And did not see that plot twist from Luke! I’m really enjoying this so far.

  • Police1 and Police2 are not the best display names to have hahaha. Nor is suspect 1 and suspect 2

  • Episode 2 felt on the short side, but that might just be the illusion of having a fast paced arc.

  • I feel like… if these tappable overlays become a thing, you could totally add an overlay of the red baseball cap so people can actually get clues.

  • When Cassidy’s calling, one of the lines she says does not have a capital “I” I tapped too quick before I could copy the line, but it was the second dialogue in their conversation I believe.

  • MC seems to be totally ok with her new circumstances all of a sudden. If it were me, I’d still be demanding answers!

  • The beginning of episode 4 threw me off. I was so confused. Am I watching the sneak peak for elemental?

  • I have a tendency to be an idiot when it comes to writing in answers, so I was just doing stupid answers not realizing it was a password. Haha.

  • Wait wait wait. Episode 4 was just a sneak peak? I have to say, that’s not cool. I thought it was going to move on to the actual episode…

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