AND & THEN commands problem

hey guys :)) so i put this command:
&SOPHIA2 walks to spot 0.530 252 352 in zone 1 in 2 AND SOPHIA2 is walk_neutral AND SOPHIA2 faces right AND SOPHIA walks to spot 0.578 288 322 in zone 1 in 2 AND SOPHIA is walk_rear AND SOPHIA faces right THEN SOPHIA is rear AND SOPHIA2 spot 0.530 244 352 in zone 1 AND SOPHIA2 is idle_exhausted
what i want is for SOPHIA and SOPHIA2 to walk at the same time and then stay still at the same time, you know? but even though SOPHIA2’s commands are working, SOPHIA’s first command (SOPHIA is walk_rear AND SOPHIA faces right) is not working :,( does anyone know how i can fix this?

Break up the SOPHIA2 and SOPHIA into different coding sets?

Second line of code:

&SOPHIA walks to spot etc etc until all the way to THEN SOPHIA is rear. This whole line should be a separate code. Dont mash it up with SOPHIA2

Third line of code:
Here we use the @ code instead of the & code.

@SOPHIA spot … in zone 1 & SOPHIA2 is idle_exhausted.

You can try it like this and see if it works?

I know its mirror image but in coding its still 2 different characters. Best advice is to have separate lines for different characters…

&SOPHIA2 walks to spot 0.530 252 352 in zone 1 in 2 AND SOPHIA2 does it while walk_neutral AND SOPHIA2 faces right
@SOPHIA walks to spot 0.578 288 322 in zone 1 in 2 AND SOPHIA does it while walk_rear AND SOPHIA faces right

&SOPHIA is rear AND SOPHIA faces right
@SOPHIA2 spot 0.530 244 352 in zone 1 AND SOPHIA2 is idle_exhausted

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