Animation not working (need help)

Ok, I’m so confused

This is my script:

&zoom on 175 136 to 685% in 3.5
&overlay STROLLER 1 shifts to 122 66 in zone 1 in 3.5 AND overlay STROLLER 2 shifts to 139 54 in zone 1 in 3.5 AND CR 1 walks to spot .544 171 188 in zone 1 in 3.5 AND CR 1 does it while walk_rear AND CR 1 faces left
&CR 2 faces left AND CR 2 walks to spot .424 152 243 in zone 1 in 3.5 AND CR 2 does it while walk_rear THEN CR 2 starts talk_afraid AND CR 1 is talk_excited_point

After they do they’re rear_walk animation, They just go idle. I’ve tried everything…

Also I have to use & as this is happening as the transition, ‘fade in black in 6’ is happening.

You have everything happening at the same time, so you might not be giving them enough time to do all of these commands. If you must use the & command, it’s probably easier to put everything into the same line or split them into characters.

&zoom on 175 136 to 685% in 3.5
&overlay STROLLER 1 shifts to 122 66 in zone 1 in 3.5 AND overlay STROLLER 2 shifts to 139 54 in zone 1 in 3.5
&CR 1 walks to spot .544 171 188 in zone 1 in 3.5 AND CR 1 faces left AND CR 1 does it while walk_rear THEN CR 1 starts talk_excited_point
&CR 2 walks to spot .424 152 243 in zone 1 in 3.5 AND CR 2 faces left AND CR 2 does it while walk_rear THEN CR 2 starts talk_afraid
@transition fade in black in 6

Sadly, I’ve tried both but both characters are still going idle

What’s before this code? Do CR 1 and CR 2 have an animation before it? That might be the reason both of the characters went idle.

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Oh my god you are amazing! So so basically I put

@CR 2 spot blah blah blast AND CR 2 is rear

This causes the idle