Announcing College Days! Our Next Creator's Contest!

Nope :upside_down_face: but I am always on the forum :wink:

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I’d love to see you with Instagram, that’d be hilarious! :joy:

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I kinda want to do this but I’m not in college nonetheless know anything about it… :pensive: :sob: :sweat: :sweat_smile: it is due then not 19th

Should I do limelight or ink?

Your choice. I don’t remember seeing a college story in Ink, though. However, with the new Limelight updates… It’s a tough decision.

Just make sure to get backgrounds and overlays approved days before the deadline. Don’t forget about the cover either

I’m curious to see what people would prefer to see.

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Many people prefer Limelight, at the moment. Which do you prefer?

I honestly don’t know anymore. When Ink replaced classic I hated it because it was more cartoony. In limelight everyone just looks the same to me and the animations have awkward looking pauses. I would need to use more zooms and reset animations to avoid it looking weird

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Oh. Yeah, and most of the animations in Limelight are looped.

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I am doing my contest entry in ink, because it just felt right for my story. My other non-contest story is in limelight. Just pick whichever suits you best.


do ink

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I’m finally done my 3 episodes :grin: I’m going to edit them a bit while waiting for overlays to be published. Hoping for the best. :relieved:

I’m doing mine in ink too. Im not the biggest fan of limelight sadly :pensive:

literally same! but im ditching my non ink story.

I’m hopefully entering. I moved house 2 weeks ago and only just got WiFi but I’m optimistic I can finish lol anyway my story title will be
College Days: Sorority Secrets
I’ve ready started adding entries to my favourites to read. Remember don’t read any stories suntil after the deadline or the read won’t count


I’m stuck on my 3rd episode and so nervous but excited to enter my first contest

What are you stuck on?

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Just general writer’s block and moving the episode forward. I got some work done on it last night. I think I just need to not overthink it and just write/code a rough draft out, then go back and touch it up :slight_smile: