Announcing College Days! Our Next Creator's Contest!

The wait … :worried:

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Ok guys this is becoming ridiculous :slight_smile:

The wait?
This is pretty normal, it’s only been 1.5 weeks.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the shelf isn’t next Friday but the following Friday. (But the Thriller shelf came out a week earlier than I predicted so who knows ahhaha).


Exactly haha.
I’m sure it will be up before Christmas. :heart:


I know that they usually announce the winners late, but I don’t usually keep track of contests.

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impatience intensifies


Well it will be up anytime between 9th-23rd Of December

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Does anyone have an idea if you can still read for the contest and it will count?

Yh. Shelf isn’t up!

Thank you!

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Still see ur shadows in my feed.Can’t take back the passes I gave you.Love the Mc but Ilove and I hate you.


Ha ha. At first I didn’t know there was a song named, Lucid Dreams, until my son made me aware of it. I heard it a few weeks ago and funny enough, there is a shadow following the MC in my story lmao. It’s crazy that the song writer and I were thinking the same thing :joy:


Anybody know when the shelf is going up?

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I don’t think that it will be much longer, but unfortunately only Episode can answer this question :purple_heart:

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It’s been 2 weeks.

It’s usually 3 weeks

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Oh, so around Christmas?

Presumably, yes

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Ah, thanks.

I would guess next Friday.
If it’s not out this Friday, definitely next Friday. (Watch them prove me wrong ahahah.)