Announcing the LDR Writer's Contest!

I know right.

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i post a lot of sneak peeks regarding my entry on my instagram!


Ahh yesss :pleading_face: :revolving_hearts:


i am so happy. i FINALLY fully finished episode one. i have been replaying the episode on my phone multiple days now to make sure every glitch is gone. now i am going to continue with writing episode 2.


Story Idea! Please tell me your honest opinion!

You’re finally about to reunite with a distant love, who you had to leave for 2 years. But when your journey to the other side of the world goes wrong, you’re forced to get some help, and many things show that maybe your true destination isn’t with her, but with the one you’ve been travelling so long with?


intriguing, love it :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Would you guys like to drop your awesome entries on my IG post??

I’m seriously excited to know what ideas you people came up with this Contest👀

And don’t we love a good romance?:two_hearts:

Please tell me your thoughts and don’t ghost me :pleading_face:


Oooh, yes already stirring the obstacles I see :eyes:
My dramatic self approves!:heart:

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Thanks! Really appreciate it! :heart:

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Hi guys!

I wanted to ask what do you think about Spotify playlists as an extra to stories?

Is it even worth to create something like this to help reader „feel deeper” our story?

I was thinking about one to my contest entry but I’m not so sure if I should spare some time on it


i would see it as an extra and not the main priority.

especially, because i am someone who prefers to fully read stories without any sound.

I don’t listen to music while reading a good story but some of my friends do.
It’s completely up to you, or you can build a poll here asking who listens to playlists given by the author while reading their story.

And there’s nothing wrong to be a little extra, it just shows how much effort you’re putting :blush:

Hope this helps❤


i just finished coding episode 2. so, now i am starting on episode 3. <3

i do still need to do the music though, but that will be done last.


So I need an opinion, I am currently coding in my tappable overlays and mini-games. I needed opinions on what games to do.

70s Mini Games
  • Fast Food Game
  • Disco Mini-Game
  • Rollerskating Mini-Game
  • Photoshoot Mini-Game
  • Lyric/Letter Mini-Game

0 voters

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Roller skating mini game sounds something different :eyes:


Yep yep, I am currently working on the skating location! :star: :sparkles: I want it to be like a combination of the dancing and obstacle mini-game. :star: :sparkles:

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Can’t wait to see it live on Episode.
Do we have to crack that mini-game to get on with the next scene or it’s just for fun?
Hope it’s not a spoiler question :sweat_smile:

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It is not a spoiler question, do not worry, the roller-skating mini-game will be chosen just for fun to boost your charm points. Although there will be mini-games that will affect scenes towards the different endings.


That’s so much better!:blush: Wish you all the best!

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