Announcing the Squad Writer's Contest

I think Evident would be a great entry :smiley: though I like how meaningful the second story seems


hey guys, I need help!
so everytime i play my story to check it, it says that the speechbubble is normal (160 237), but it’s not. Like it’s on their face or on their chin. It’s like that even AFTER i reset story progress.
will this get solved once i publish it? or will it at least be normal to the readers? :joy: :woman_facepalming:

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It probably would say the same. You can try to move the bubble down, off to the side, change the tail position, or resize it.

but i’ve seen it adjust according to the zoom in normal placing also? And I just noticed that if i press update script right after reset progress it gets back to normal. i think i’m just gonna go back to writing :joy:
thank you tho! :blob_hearts:

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Hey, I have a question :thinking: to fill out the google form do the first three chapters need to be published or they just need to be done before the deadline?

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When your story is published, then fill out the form. U can publish before or on the deadline.

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Oh okay, thank you! :blob_hearts:

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I’m on chapter 1, but there are only 1 and a half scene needs to be done. Do you guys think i can finish the 3 chapters before the deadline?


Yes, just get it done, you have enough time, no distractions. XDDDD

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No distractions. Noted. :smile: Thank you for answering!

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Wow I’m thinking of entering because there is no real requirements… other than a group of people… this actually allows me a lot of room to work with and just so happens to go with an idea I’ve had for a while.

You have to make sure they are all main characters though, you can’t just make choices as one POV and include a group. Either way, good luck! :smiley:


I’m at about the same place in my story as you and have only been writing one or two scenes per day. I’m sure you will be able to finish; there is still a month left before the deadline! Just stay focused and take breaks to make sure you stay motivated.


awe :pleading_face: im glad you liked it!!


Thank you, that’s super helpful and a good point! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: wow but i also can’t wait to see everyone’s stories either :star_struck:

Thank you for your response :pleading_face: :sparkling_heart: i appreciate that

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Thank you for the suggestion! I think I am too slow because sometimes I have no inspiration to code…


i’m going thru it right now ahaha
i’m cramping really bad so all i wanna do is lay down, eat junk and binge read episode :pleading_face:

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Haha, same! But when I realize that I have to work on it, my *ss is suddenly just code and code and code. But I always so slow. I preview every half scene, to check the errors. I feel like i am so paranoid :sweat_smile:

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ahaha yes! even i get random surges to code, been doing that during the whole of lockdown. but now i’m just getting lazier :joy::woman_facepalming:t2: so instead of coding i write down story ideas on paper xD