Annual Episode Census -2018

2018 has been an interesting year for Episode. What do you think? Don’t be afraid to express your opinions :wink:

Episode had a great year.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Episode made good updates this year.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

The contests have been consistently good.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Episode takes the community’s thoughts into retrospect.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Episode has improved their app this year.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Episode has improved the Writer’s portal.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Episode has become a better company.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Episode does a good job at managing most user stories.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Episode is an app that I now regularly enjoy.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Episode is overall taking a turn for the better.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

0 voters

Thank you for answering this questionaire. Feel free to comment what you think as well :slight_smile:



i disagreed with most of these?



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Same. 2018 was a bad year for Episode


I haven’t paid attention to Episode lately

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I disagreed with most

You Strongly Disagreed a lot :joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yes I damn well did. :joy:

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Uhhhh I clicked the wrong one for episode is an app I regularly enjoy I meant to click strongly agree not strongly disagree oops :sweat_smile:


I did the same

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At least it wasn’t just me lol :joy::sweat_smile:

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Y’all can click hide results and it lets you re-vote.




Watchin poll results n wondering. There were some people who apparently hated everything Episode did.
Why still here? O_o It that a fetish for pain or smthg?

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Hoping next year is better? Some people aren’t quitters.


I disagreed on most of the poll questions.
The reason being is that I don’t think that Episode really improved or made significant positive changes over the prior year.
You can look at the 2017 Diversity Standards thread (for example) where several things were promised that weren’t delivered. I also feel that the quality of featured stories hasn’t gotten any better as a whole.
I still like the app, but I just felt that Episode could have done more in 2018.


My reasons for disagreeing is when they let us stop stacking passes.
And not sure if it’s just me, but now I’m forced to watch ads anytime I read episode 2 or 3 of a story.
Oh and because anytime they add a feature story to their shelf, a popup message constantly pops up to add the feature story to my favorites and there is no opt out button for it😑
Oh and now a popup message constantly begs me to rate their app and I’ve put no at least a gazillion times and it still begs me every time I open up the app :roll_eyes:


Very interesting to see your opinions guys. Based on your thoughts, seems like this year was not for Episode x


It’s 2018. Any person who has some self respect stopped reading Episode featured stories :joy:
Their main problem is not lack of POC or whatever, but poor execution of any plot.

This was hard for me to answer because I’m on the fence about a lot.

Episode had a great year? Depends what you’re judging them on. Financially, I bet they had a fantastic year since their community is forever growing and their featured stories are charging more for gems all the time
But if I think back to earlier in the year, to things like the controversial discussion of how contests work… They stayed silent for ages, even after commenting that their would be a post coming soon to explain everything.
Actually, I was doing a huge insta stalk yesterday too and found how a year ago, there was all this promise of expanding the mobile story create app section. I don’t think there’s been an update to mobile creator since it was introduced. I mean, it’s fine if they want to work on other things, but the way they promise us things and make it sound like some kind of update is around the corner when it isn’t is just hurting them, no?

Episode made good updates? Yes. Larger scripts, text effects, fixing the tap to continue button, tracking your script… They also made some pretty bad ones too though (like the trending rank change that ended up in a glitch)… And they’ve also had updates that haven’t even finished rolling out… Like are tappable overlays still in beta? Still? And where is my feed feature??

The contests have been alright, I’ve found there was a decent variety of themes… But then I remember Dirty Dancing and am annoyed at how I wasn’t even allowed the opportunity to go to US lol

The app being improved is a no brainer to me - There was hardly any changes to the app other than forcing new users to finish a set amount of episodes in a featured story. Maybe if I had the feed feature I’d vote differently.

Better company? No. They lack communication far too much for me to say they improved in that area.

For managing users, whilst I’ve had no real experience with the episode team, from what I hear, a situation’s always handled differently so it’s hard to predict. Stories and users getting banned - some get emails and ask to chance, others get no chance to change it. Then there’s the case of how so many problematic stories are still there even after users report it… It’s just too unpredictable.

Still enjoy the app of course, because user stories are the best. It’s amazing what community authors can come up with despite all the flaws Episode has.