Another script error. Need help ASAP

Here I am again :smile: . You know the drill, here’s my problem and help me fix it! It says Use something like @CHARACTER exits right but I think it’s correct? Here’s the code.
@HOSTAGE4 exits left in 0.5 AND HOSTAGE4 is run_athletic AND KAYLA exits left in 0.5 AND KAYLA is
run_athletic AND HOSTAGE1 exits left in 0.5 AND HOSTAGE4 is run_athletic AMD NAME exits left in 0.5
AND NAME is run_athletic

On the second to last AND it says ‘AMB’, could this be the mistake?

Oh! I didn’t notice that! Problem fixed. Thank you so much!

No problem :smile: I always do the same thing

Glad this got resolved! Closing :v:t2: