ANOTHER Script error 🙄

Here’s my script error.
@NAME is dustoff_loop THEN NAME changes into unknown_mask AND HOSTAGE1 is dustoff_loop THEN HOSTAGE1 changes into unknown_mask
@KAYLA is dustoff_loop AND KAYLA changes into unknown_mask AND HOSTAGE4 is dustoff_loop AND HOSTAGE4 changes into unknown_mask

is not a valid directing command. What’s the problem and how can I fix it?

Any “changes into” command needs to be on its own line. You can’t have them on the same line as other commands.


Is there any way to make characters change clothes at the same time?

@CHARACTER1 is animation and CHARACTER2 is animation
@CHARACTER1 changes into Outfit
@CHARACTER2 changes into Outfit


Thanks for the response @Dara.Amarie! Closing :slight_smile: