Any good tips for Writers Block?

I’m kind of stuck in bind with writers block. I have all the ideas I want to write but I just can’t seem to type them out yet. Anyone have any tips? Also, if you have writers block as well you can post here for help too!

sacarafice a virgin to the god of writhing

or just take a break see some tv or listen to some music.

get a second opinion on the story.


Lol love the first one! Had me laughing! Very true, I’ve tried both those things.

For me if I ever have writers block I sit back and listen to music or take my dog a walk

Somewhere there will be something that you think ‘Oh my character could say that’


Watch Movies


Write anything down. Literally anything, it can be the worst thing ever written, but it can help to clear your head.

And maybe you just need a break

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Okay, I will keep that in mind.

I took alittle break because of school so I’m trying to get back now. I guess I just need to take it slow or something.

Keep a notebook and pen by your side at all times too

You just may have an idea when you don’t think you ever will



I was in the same situation not long ago and my topic got some replies so maybe some of them will help you! :relaxed:

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Thank you! I will check that out as well.

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I’ve been writing a lot recently, hours non-stop, and I usually reach a point where I’m not sure what should happen next. Soooo, to cure my writer’s block, I usually either read a book or watch youtube videos. Something that relaxes me enough to get me thinking about something that should happen in my story.

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I suggest if you have a Pinterest you can look up writing prompts there’s so many and it’s so fun and really helps to get the creativity flowing


I’m going through the same right now, so I know how much it sucks. :joy:

My biggest piece of advice is to not feel like you have to have ideas quickly, take a break from writing and simply wait until the ideas come to you. You can get some inspiration from books, movies or some of your own personal experiences.

Write down all of the ideas that come into your head, even if you’re unsure about them because then you can look through your notes and decide which ones that you might want to use. Like someone said above, it will also help to clear your head.

Good luck, I hope this helps. :relaxed:


Check this :slight_smile:


Thank you! I need to get back into reading regular books anyway. I’ve been busy with work and school that textbooks are the only book I get to really read now.

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I will give that a try, thanks for the advice!

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Yeah, I know. I’ve been trying to do that when I have downtime. It’s helping out a little bit.

Thank you, I will check it out!

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Thank you, that gave me some ideas to work with. Ever since I lost my folder with all my stories in it, I’ve been kind of going in circles. Lucky I had the main parts in my computer but I lost all of the little parts that I techicalky need to start and fill in the main parts with.

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