Any questions about Asian Cultures? We will try to help you!

If anyone wanted to write Buddhist characters, I’ll drop some information down below!

  • First of all, the typical Buddhist does not have any distinct physical appearance. You don’t have to be Asian to be Buddhist—the religion is accepting of people from other cultures adopting the Buddhist faith! Most Buddhists do not have specific types of clothing, hairstyle, or eating habits.
  • That being said, I would strongly recommend against incorporating Buddhist monks/nuns in Episode stories. None of the clothing assets closely resemble the robes that Tibetan/Mahayana monks wear and imitating this may be offensive for some.
  • If you want to portray a character meditating, try and decide which branch of Buddhism the character is in! Meditation is a highly valued part of Buddhism and each type of Buddhism has different methods of mediation.
  • Above all else: be kind and respectful! Don’t depict Buddhist characters excessively smoking, drinking, yelling, fighting, cursing, or being rude. In general, Buddhist people are calm and kind and believe in doing good so that good will come back to them.

Let me know if anyone has questions! It would be awesome to see more Buddhist characters represented on Episode :smile:


Hello! I was wondering if it would be alright if I could go to you for Japanese help I want to learn more about that culture and language so much it’s beautiful and I don’t ever want to disrespect a culture! Just curious If you watch anime too since I would also love to watch or read new ones :green_heart::green_heart:

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Sure thing! I’m not very good at the language and I may lack knowledge in some parts of the culture, but sure ask me anything!

Also, I do watch anime!

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Is it okay if I pm you? :green_heart::grin:

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i can also lend some information here:

My mother is both a Hindu and Buddhist - there are different types of Buddhism.

Not all Buddhists are monks, many are apart of the SGI (Soka Gakkai International) which is a fairly new version (around 50 years today) of Nichiren Buddhism. If anyone wants any information on the SGI in general, I can help you.


Like others said, not all Asians have dark brown or black hair. Some Asian cultures have natural light colored hair, no European decent.


Matcha tea :tea: too!

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Of course!


Alrighty! I sent you a pm! :green_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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