Anybody need a edit? (CLOSED!)

Hey guys!
If you need a drawn cover PM me! You can send me the pic(s) on the PM!

(I can have it finished in 1-2 hours!)

And if it is one person cover prob 30-1!

What kind of art do you do?


Well, mostly drawing! I can do splashes but I prefer covers.

And I do art scenes! Please note I won’t have more than 2 MC on one art scene

Oh can you do one for me?

Yep! Just send me the deets on a PM!


Just post em here and I’ll eat down as soon as possible!

Can I send it tomorrow? Since I’m going to sleep now

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Oh! And here is one of my expames



Hey! Do you still need a background?

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Hi- do you still want a background, @Guadalupe

Hey, if your still doing this, I would love for you to two covers for me. Tell me if I should contact you in a specific place

Hey- sorry for the late response; I will totally do one! You can either send me the deets here or on a PM.

Acutely- if you still want 2 covers can u send me deets on a PM please? Thanks- and @Guadalupe do you still want A cover?
