Anyone interested in co-writing with me? 💕

Hiya episodians, I’m in seek of a good coder with experience & someone that has coded a few story’s.

It would also be good if your a pretty good drawer as that covers art scenes.

I have already started the story but quickly realised that it would be even better if I had some help.

About the story (still working on it)

  • name: Little Fangs
  • vampire mc
  • 3 li 2f 1m, all vampires too.
    The 3 li are vampire hunters (yet are vamps) & trying to get the mc, making sure she isn’t dangerous.

Story description
Your a recently turned vampire trying to adapt to ur new lifestyle, fighting the urge to drink from every human u see & hunters are coming to get u! Is love even on ur mind?


Can add ur username to the cover. :two_hearts:

If your interested, please message me on this thread. Thank you so much for reading! :two_hearts:


I can help you for story cover and little bit coding

I can definitely help you with story covers

I could help with story covers. I do both edited and drawn

Hey @Riya.writes & @Vi_Episode, sorry if I confused u but I’m looking for a experienced coder & co-writer who can do art and I’ve already got covers. :two_hearts:

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Are you able to pay

If then means you can pm @Madhu

hey! i could help you co-write


no prob! i can help you co-write

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No, sorry! :two_hearts:

you can PM me if tou want help

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Thank you, I might pm u later. :two_hearts:

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