APP: Following Tab...? (Social Feed)

I know over a year ago there was a social feed tab in testing that was never rolled out. I think it’d be a good feature for the app to reconsider this idea! Plus it makes no sense to have the followers feature when it serves no purpose.

If I’m not mistaken this idea was cancelled before because it apparently was deemed unhelpful. I don’t understand how they could come to that conclusion though if beta testing was only opened up to a small amount of people. How is it supposed to be useful if only limited people can see it…?

But maybe not so much mimicking instagram, it’d even be an improvement just to have a shelf for stories that have been updated by people you follow. Seriously, I don’t get how that doesn’t already exist.

It doesn’t need to be extravagant, just something to make the reader experience feel less isolating.


Support :blush:

Support :raised_hands:t2:

omg yess support!!!

