Are LGBTQA characters important for every story

You could have two men or two women for example kissing in the background for example.


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I’m a nonbinary lesbian and I like reading lgbt+ stories on episode. That said, I don’t like reading lgbt+ that aren’t authentic. Reading a wlw story that is just a hetero relationship with a female put in place of the male is kinda annoying.
I also am always open to answer questions if you want to include lgbtq+ characters in your story.

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Thank you so much :revolving_hearts:

Nothing is really “needed” in “every story”, but honestly all you need to do to write an LGBT character is just write a character. They’re people first.

And just putting this out there, unless you’re a real shut-in and don’t meet a lot of people, you’ve likely met plenty of LGBT people and just didn’t know about it. Most LGBT people don’t really introduce themselves as such, lol.