Are people still reading ink?

I’m pretty much a full on LL convert :rofl:
INK just looks weird to me now lol.


I read both. When LL first came out, I really didn’t like it, and would only read a story in it, if it was written by one of my favourite authors.

Then, I left Episode for nearly two years. Once back, I’ve read a few stories in LL and a couple in INK. Now, I definitely prefer LL, it just looks smoother and more realistic. Still, when the story is good, I don’t really mind what art style was used.


As of now, most stories seem to suck regardless of the style, so instead of reading just INK (my favourite style) I read whatever I find decent. But in short, heck yeah, I love INK.

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I prefer the Ink girl’s looks to the Limelight girl’s looks. (Still love Limelight girls, I just reckon that my OC’s stand out a whole lot more in Ink.)

However, I vastly prefer the Limelight boy’s looks to the Ink ones. I can’t stand Ink boys for some reason…

Some say that the Limelight boys look too childish, but I kinda love how ‘childish’ they look. :grin:


It’s hard to find a good story now!

I totally agree! LL has a ton more options and choices to what characters look like.

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I love ink


Ink is the best style, period, no tampon :coffee:


Read both, but in my opinion, I find not reading a story cuz’ of the style it uses even though you think you’ll like it is lowkey dumb even though it’s just a preference.


I like both. Although I prefer the CC in Limelight. But that’s because “my” Limelight character looks more like me.
If the description of a story sounds interesting, than I will read it, regardless the style.
I’m not a fan of classic though.


People will still read INK stories as long as people keep writing in it, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Stories are stories, I’ll read in either INK or Limelight as long as it’s enjoyable.

As for the styles themselves, I like Limelight’s bigger variety of features and clothes, but I think INK has better expressiveness in animations.

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i love ink


i am currently writing my second ink story

I read both Ink and Limelight. A good story is a good story either or…

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im more into LL but i’ll take an ink one.

Of course I still read in ink!!
I actually like both!!:grin:


Your so right!!:wink: