Are the props really not working or is it a bug?

So, I have been trying to review my story, but whenever I do the props are not working. I know the code is right and I have also tried to preview it on my phone, but I still don’t see any props. Is this some kind of bug? Is anyone else having this problem? :confused:

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oof, I’m having this problem as well.

rn I’m not too sure what’s happening with Episode, but everyone’s having problems with it. For example, when I try to preview my story on my laptop, it won’t load and some people can’t get into the app!

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Oh, I see. Lately, I have also had problems with getting into the app. Wherever this problem is, I do really hope Episode fix it soon :confused:

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When spoting characters use @ instead of & and then add prop command.
For example:
@MC spot 1.518 76 -89
@add prom name to MC


Can you share your script? :thinking:

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Unless you’ve already solved it, of course :sweat_smile:

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No, I haven’t solved it yet :confused: But sure, here it is:

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Props bug

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I have tried this but unfortunately it didn’t work, it is still not showing :confused: But thank you anyways!

You have to add the animation between the “add” and “remove” command :smile:

Props bug 2

It is still not working, I really don’t understand what I am doing wrong :thinking:

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Have you tried checking if you have misspelled the prop name or the animation name?

Wait, why did you add @remove PROPNAME from Talia? I thought Valencia was performing the animation? :thinking:

I think that’s what’s wrong :smile:

I wanted it to look like Talia was giving the coffee cup to Valencia. So, you mean if I remove the animation it will work? :thinking:

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You would have to remove the 3rd line and change the name to Valencia.
Then you can add the animation of her giving it to Talia.

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Yes, I first thought that was the problem but everything is spelled correctly

I have solved it now! Thank you so much for your help!! :smile:

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Your welcome! :nerd_face: