Are you fine with point systems where you can *lose* points?

My story only has one ending, but there are point systems that have to do with the MC’s relationship to the LI and her friends. The amount of points you get affect their interactions (but not drastically–like, the friends or LI won’t leave you). I don’t think I’ve ever read a story with a point system where you can lose points.

Would you be fine playing a story with the possibility of losing points? Or do you *only want to win points? I just don’t want to make anyone nervous lol. Or maybe I’m just overthinking.

  • only win points
  • I’m fine with losing points
  • I really don’t care

0 voters

If you have experience coding with point systems, any advice? Do’s and dont’s maybe?


I’ve read quite a few stories where you can lose points, and honestly it stresses me out lol. I also don’t really understand the point, because all it does is widen the gap between the minimum and maximum number of points. I chose to only use positive points for that reason… but it really depends what you want your story to look like.


depend on how many, I orginally had minus point in my story, but very fast it felt like they where loosing more then they gain, so I removed the minus point. its very fast suck for readers because one minus point can put you two points behind if you got a point in the other one, and it can be hard to catch up.


Like @fake_bananas said it’s a bit stressing especially when they add a timed choice to it, I start sweating and it doesn’t really help with my anxiety, I like winning or just not gaining points. Like +0 or +5.


I’d go with just winning points, whether good or bad choices :joy: for ex. you could always create a character called GREED and add points to it (or other negative characteristics).


Thanks for your input!


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