Art help with Jazmine :)


I decided to open my own thread to help people with their art! I wanted to post my tips and techniques I use, as well as tutorials that will help you get find your own inner artist.

Feel free to use this thread to also ask me questions on specific things art-related. For example, how do you shade lips?

I want to mention that I am no professional. You also don’t need to follow my tips. The best thing about art is finding what works best for you in terms of techniques that make creating art easy and effective for you.

Examples of my art

App used: ibis paint x and procreate



My first tip: when shading, it’s important to also pay attention to the finer details (more so if you want to create semi-realistic or realistic arts). For example, in one of my arts posted above, I use pen fade at 1 (or lower depending on size of image) and I use a darker shade of the base colour and create fine lines that imitate a fold in skin, clothes or finer line. I find this most helpful when structuring the nose.

side note: I think this is thread is in the wrong place so please tell me if it is


Ooh, art tips by the talented Jaz :blob_hearts:

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mouth tutorial

Step 1

Add two base colours for the upper lip and lower lip. I usually put a lighter colour for the upper lip and a darker shade on the lower lip.

Step 2

On the lower lip, using a darker shade, outline the bottom and parted middle of lips. On low opacity using colour picker, blend the two shades together (on lower lip).

Step 3

Add a highlight to the middle of the lower lip. Then blend in the bottom of the lower lip with the skin to create a shadow. Using a darker shade than the lip colour, and making the size of the pen small, redraw the lip line. Soften any harsh lines for the lip shadow to make it smooth.

Step 4

On the upper lip, use a lighter colour on low opacity and blend with the skin. Soften the harshness of the lighter colour and add a highlight.

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Wow! You’re so talented. :blush:

I have some problems with hair shading. Can you explain how you do it?