Author added waiting period to continue reading (or pay gems)

It says every 6 chapters not days in this case…

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I understand the early access thing, but this story is already fully released and has been for a long time. The author just added wait times out of the blue. I think it’s ridiculous that a story that has been out for like a year has this. It really makes me not want to read it. I was only able to read 2 chapters before this popped up. So I can only read 2 chapters and then I have to wait 11 hours to read 2 more. That’s just absolutely ridiculous


I totally agree!! Ugh this is so frustrating. Episode has turned into a gem and money obsessed app. Don’t even get me started on the stupid episode VIP thing.


My bad I meant chapters :sweat_smile:


My issue is that this story has been completely released for like a year. And I’ve read it before. I just wanted to re-read it again because I liked it. And now I can only read 2 chapters at a time and then I have to wait 11 hours to read two more. That’s what bothers me. I’m not getting early access to anything when I pay.


Exactly, adding wait to already released episodes is so not cool :unamused:

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Umm… am I the only one that’s okay with this? :sweat_smile:


I agree. Episode official stories SUCK. They’re so corny and basic and if you don’t do gem choices they make the story absolutely horrible for you. I don’t want to have to read those stories just to get a few gems. And the daily rewards thing sucks too. What does 1 gem get you? Literally nothing. And not everyone has money to buy gems and even when I have bought some I go through them so fast because everything is like 7+ gems on the app. Episode has turned into a money obsessed app. They just want your money and nothing else. They make your experience on the app worse and worse to try to push you into buying stuff to make your experience better. I honestly feel like they’ve even ripping the authors off sometimes. I’m starting to dislike the app more and more. I miss the old episode!!!


The originals are so bad, I never feel engaged with it and those gem choices are d*mn expensive. :face_with_head_bandage: I only read them if I need gems for a community story :joy:


I totally agree! The gem choices are SO expensive. But then if you don’t do the gem choices they give you like the worst outfit or plot imaginable so then it just ruins the story. I won’t even read the original stories to get gems😂 that’s how much I can’t stand them.


Wear a dress to impress: 39 :gem:
Fail miserably and never be able to get a beautiful story: free

Why even trying to read it properly :joy:


Yes exactly!! UGH. That’s what I mean when I say Episode is literally purposely making peoples experiences bad so they will feel forced and pressured to pay just to enjoy the app and the stories. I hate that. They are total money hogs now.


Have you ever heard of pre ordering, yeah this is basically what this is. If you want the content earlier then you pay if not then you wait until it is public. Sure is it an inconvenience if you are binge reading but you have to realise no matter how many rant posts you make it won’t change the fact episode has this feature. It is profit over feelings and always will be. I mean do you realise that we have a free platform to read stories and write them. Episode are the best at what they do whether you want to admit it or not, they are. So they will do whatever they feel like, they know at the end of the day big authors won’t leave that platform has all their work on it and the resources, like the outfits, backgrounds, the actual characters. I can’t imagine how complex that is behind the scenes, no I am not kissing episodes a*s but some people don’t understand that nobody is forcing you into picking a gem choice. Sure some people have done stupid choices in their stories but early access, support the author etc are not even that bad. There are many stories to read and the author has only put a support the author for the lowest amount. Just tap through a featured story for gems, also they are cliche for a reason because some people still like cliches. Try another hobby, even getting a real book if you like reading that much while you wait for gems.

Basically in summary they are not going to change this, it something you are going to have to live with. People have complained about gem choices for years yet they add more so they won’t care. :woman_shrugging:


Yeah, it’s obvious that episode featured are about picking the gem choices but usually the gem choices are terrible and expensive! I really liked the 7 daily streak beacuse you earned extra passes and gems and now that’s gone, I’m have to read those terrible episode featured stories for gems :frowning_face:
All you get from reading featured is 1 gem and that gets you nowhere since gem choices are expensive in featured and it will take you for ever to save!
If they bring back daily rewards and increase the number of passes and gems we get, I’ll be very happy.

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This :raised_hands:t2:

Also I think some people don’t get that Episode also has their own expense to cover and salaries to pay so they need to make money out of something since more and more people got into payments due to lots of us sitting at home.

Edited: Btw I’m not sure if everyone has it but when I open app yesterday I got “choice of the day” which is giving you 3 gems for picking a choice to presented picture.


I haven’t got it yet but I’ll be on the look out for it.

Are you an android or ios user?


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That is interesting to say the least. :face_with_monocle:

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That is what you’ll right in a cliché episode
featured story where you try impress the LI and make the bully jealous :joy:

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