Avatar Customizing with Plus Size Character

So I’m new to writing and there’s a couple of questions I have about customizing characters/general things that are confusing to me but I feel like they’re simple lol:

  1. My main character is plus sized, but when I go to the Script Templates they have offered in the scripting settings for the reader to customize the character, my character doesn’t pop up. Can plus size characters not be customized right now?

  2. When the reader customizes a character, will the changes appear across all the episode chapters where that character is present? Or do I have to input some sort of code for the changes to stay consistent?

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  1. since the plus size body type still uses the same skin tones, face shapes, eye shapes and colours, etc. u can use the same cc template for generic female on the plus size females.

  2. when the reader changes something about the character, it stays that way for all chapters.


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Thank you for your help! But when I select the template to use and look at the dropdown to find my plus size character, she doesn’t pop up. Her name is Annie.

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are you using dara.amarie’s template?

that one usually doesn’t cause issues on my portal /:

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Yeah that’s the one I’m using. It’s only showing me my characters that aren’t plus sized :confused:

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hmm idk what could be happening

could i see the script?

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It’s the very beginning of my story, so I was trying to insert it before her dialogue starts.

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that’s rlly weird;

but looking at the first pic u sent me, it has the dropdown menu for LIGHTFEMALEAVATAR, which means the script doesn’t recognize this character; did you press ctrl + f and change all the LIGHTFEMALEAVATARS to Annie?

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Yes characters can be customized for plus size but yes for some reason the portal does not show the plus size character being changed, So you need to physical input the @char to the plus size name for each of the labels.

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It was a pain in the behind to do but this worked! Thank you so much :slight_smile:


yeah i know I tried doing control f but it failed glad it worked for you.

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For me at least, the avatar creator works on plus sized female bodies, but for some reason you cannot change the face shape

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