Background doesn’t exist

I know that with the new updates there are a lot of bugs in the portal but I haven’t seen any other like this?
My portal does not recognize any background I write in my script, not even the Episode’s ones. The only way to code the scene is to upload all the backgrounds all over again so the portal can recognize them.
Does anyone have a similar issue? Can it be solved?

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Yes, it is

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There’s nothing wrong with the backgrounds.

This error comes out when you have a typo in next line after setting the background.

For example after the background I had a zoom:
&zoom on 120 260 to 200% in in 0

Do you see my typo?

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Yes, I thought this as well but why does it work when I upload a new background? The problem comes only when I use backgrounds that already exist. I also made a new story just to try it out and it still gave me this error with a simple coding like:
@/CHAR enters from left to screen center

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Did you use this background INT. BLACK?

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I didn’t, I tried a lot of other backgrounds tho :sob:


So she doesn’t tag @CHAR


Hey @Zey, please let the team know about this bug via help ticket! :smiley:

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I will, thank you! And Merry Christmas :two_hearts:

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