Badass/edgy bedroom background please!

Heyyyyyyyyyyy. I really need a badass/edgy bedroom background day and night but I can’t find one anywhere! Like literally! Please help.
Thanks :sweat_smile:

I don’t know if that can be your definition of badass/edgy bedroom?
I’m sorry, I don’t really know what you mean.

It says image could not be loaded on it, but thanks anyway :smile:
I kinda mean something like this if you still wanna help :joy:

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Gonna search something else e.e

Sorry for the bad quality but I found this and I edited one so u could have day vs night unfortunately they are still bad aha! especially the daytime one baha

No they are not bad! They are really nice just not what I was looking for. I’m sorry if I wasted your time :confused::sweat_smile::hugs:

all good your giving me something to do plus its interesting what I’m finding sorry if I going over board but I found these lol amazing-emo-bedroom-designs-2522bd916797cafe24e2989975d50d7eb1--emo-room-band-roomsUnknown

Probably still not what you’re looking for ahaha

No these are good! I like them a lot! :slight_smile: I just wanted more of a side view …

Kinda like this but the decor more like this

I’m sorry I’m being so picky :joy:
Don’t feel obliged to help me anymore I know I’m being a pain :rofl: :sweat_smile:
But thank you :heart:

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Those remind me of Max’s room (LIS)

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