Black Silhouette Hair Color Glitch

So I was just in the writer’s portal and found a glitch. Instead of being black like you’d expect, the Black Silhoutte hair color is white. I don’t know if this is just me or what, but here’s a picture. If anyone could help me, that would be great.


yeah it has been there in some time. it is kinda strange.

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It doesn’t show up sometimes in the character creator but it will show up in app and previewer

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It rarely ever works for me.

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If you click “Black Silhouette” it initially doesn’t show up that way. But if you save, click another character, then go back to that character, it should be the silhouette color. That worked for me once before. :slight_smile:

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It’ll show up in app and perhaps the web-previewer (at least for me). I think it’ll show AFTER you saved the character with any Silhouette feature