Bringing gains/labels into next chapter

So yay me I have finally learned about gains and labels, now my question is since I am branching stories to choices what is the best way to bring a gain/label into a new chapter from a previous one? I figured out how to end both branches to the end, but when I try to do the if/else method I got an error so I ended up just doing a goto label and having similar ends with different narrations only. and the a label that goes to the closing splash screen, I did test both stories out, I just need to know how to take it over into the next chapter.
Thanks in advance.

What error is coming up when you use if/elif method?

Labels won’t work in the next episode, the only thing you can use in the next episode is gains or naming choice method

I did use gains, when I was using gains to end the brach it gave me a bracket message at one point and when I removed the bracket it gave me a choice error, so I ended it with labels, but I am wondering how to bring my gains over to the next chapter, I used gains to branch the 2 different stories, I even went through Dara’s guide on branching the gains and it did not work.

show me one of your choices that you want to bring it up in another chapter, I’ll show you an example :slight_smile:

“Yes, Get Out”{
gain Go_out
goto Go_out
this is the one I need to bring over because something significant happened during this script, as well as the fact that I am not done with it, I left it at a cliffhanger…
Thank you Apes

is just the one choice?

no it is the only one that matters… If you want I can message you the entire script. I just don’t want to post it publicly
Let me know

here is the choice with gains
“Yes, Get Out”{
gain Go_out
goto Go_out
}“No, stay home and mope”{
gain stay_home
goto stay_home
label Go_out

in the next episode this would look like this:

if (Go_out) {
go out scene here

} else {

stay home scene here


Ok thank you, I am going to start on episode 17 so I make sure it works, I will post if I get an errors, thank you so much Apes for the help.

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Make sure you Reset your story progress before testing it or “ungain” the flags by clicking on Story Modifiers ----> Flags ----> Gold one mean that they are gained to ungain the flag just click on it :slight_smile:

yes I picked that up in other threads, and I reset both and went through both choices, just to make sure the story ended on both branches to the splash screen.

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Great! Let me know if you have more problems :slight_smile: you can always PM me as well :blush:

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thank you I appreciate all your help

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Apes I actually have one more question… I usually do a recap of the previous episode, how can I integrate that with gains? according to previous choices… or is it easier to leave it all together?
Thank you

Do you want a recap of the last episode?

“Yes.” {
if (Go_out) {
#go out scene here

} else {

#stay home scene here


} “No” {


thank you so much

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ugh I actually forgot… LOL do I include the full script for chapter 17 in the recap, and if not how do I branch them off? sorry this is my first time using gains and choices.

Noo :grin: don’t include the whole episode :slight_smile: pick up the most important scenes or the last scenes like most of the people do :slight_smile:

so how so I branch it after the recap?