BUG: mouse is not in sync with the line thing

It got fixed

Really? Great! :+1:

Yeah I guess they saw my request

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It’s happening with me either! I thought my computer was the problem :sweat_smile:

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I am using my iPod touch

I used to use my phone for making stories and it always did that :thinking: I am not completely sure why but it was annoying can you use a computer to make a story?

No I can’t and it was working now it’s not ugh

^^ This is the best and most efficient way to escalate issues to the support team. I would highly suggest anyone having this issue please report it. Thanks! :nerd_face::peace_symbol:

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I did but it takes them a while

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No doubt. The summer season really caused the support team to take a hit with tickets. Thanks for your patience and letting them know :smiley:

Your welcome because I am using my iPod touch 6th generation for the writers portal and it just started on Thursday now it’s like this

How long does it take

Same thing happens to me! It’s super frustrating and I hope it gets fixed soon!

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Me too because I want to fix my story and how long do till they answer

I just recently went back on my story and it happened to me as well! I thankfully was able to use the arrows to move it over, but it’s still a pain


Same I hope they sent me a email on Monday or else I won’t be able to fix my story it was working but then it wasn’t

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Oof. I guess you guys should send some tickets. Mines is working perfectly fine. :confused:

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I did but I’m waiting for them to reply

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This is happening to me, as well. I despise it a lot! If you want to continue the line, use the arrows. If you want to delete something, use the left button. If you want to continue, use the right button. You can always contact Episode Support, if my method doesn’t work! Hope it helps. :slight_smile: