Busy mall scene help?

I am creating a busy mall scene, and I know how to make background characters, but I don’t know how to spread characters out. Does it have something to do with how far the x value is or the time it takes for them to walk across the scene? The characters look all clumped up in one vertical line.

Yes, I used a bit to create the background characters, but I just don’t understand how to spread them out as if it was a crowd? I’ve got about 15 characters right now, is that enough?

I’m using INT. MALL LOOP - DAY

Yes, I have all characters walking across the screen, but they look like they are all in one group.

Okay, I will try that, thank you. :slight_smile:

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Did this answer your question? :slight_smile:

I’m still kind of confused. Still trying to figure it out though :slight_smile: