Can any one tell me how I did on my story?

Hi! I have published a story called The Impossible Task! Can you read it and tell me how I did? I only have 4 veiws and no fan mail so I don’t know if I should continue or not? Can you tell me my feed back but just don’t be mean! You have to search it to read it!
Thank you so much!



I’ll read it!

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THANK YOU SO MUCH! :pray: :hearts:

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What is the link to it?

Um…Do you have it on mobile?

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I read the story and I think its very good! I think that since you are a ‘beginner’ (sorry if I made you feel bad), you should expand the vocabulary and drive the story into a more exciting plot! Great job! Don’t let anyone discourage you! (By the way, i’ve also been working on a story of mine, and i’m a beginner too! Keep brainstorming girl!)

Victoria :grinning:

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Sorry, it says no results when I search it up on the app but I think I may have found your story. What’s your user?

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On episode my name is Sophie. If that is what you were wondering?

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Okay thank you! I’ll read it rn

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I just finished it and I really like how creative the story is. I was a bit confused at times and still am, but I see what the plot is getting at! The grammar could be a bit better, but I think that as you go on with the story, the more you will improve :heart: Please continue it! I’ll be a regular reader. It is good so far!

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I’ll read your story!:blush: