Can some PLEASE help me?

how can I do this on my laptop ( what do I need to enter?) wie

Hi! What’s the problem?

Ah now I know! Thanks :heart:

what do I have to do (write) that I can lead the readers a make over (make hair and change lips color)? …

Click on my profile and go to my Linktree, you’ll find a template there for changing hair&lipstick

I have a question, so I have given a possibility to decide their looks. But if I choose a different background comes directly the old pajamas look: c ?

i mean the right girl

Don’t worry. It will work for readers. If you start playing your scene from this one scene the character will always wear default outfit. If you want to see if it works just check your story on the app (reset your story progress beforehand)

@add Red Cup to BELLA

The first letters need to be capitalised

Check my guide :slight_smile:

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Why is this?

There’s a bug currently with the Web Preview. Almost everyone have problems.
Try this (maybe it will help you, it didn’t help me)

Whenever I start with a story I always get the character after 3sec and the single thing annoys, because I want that when you are in the scene right there and not everything loads until they are all there? :frowning:

use & instead of @

for example:

&CHARACTER stands screen center

&CHARACTER stands screen right in zone 2
@pan to zone 2

&CHARACTER stands screen left
&CHARACTER1 stands screen center in zone 3
&CHARACTER2 stands screen right in zone 2

What have I done wrong?cvc

you can’t have labels inside the choices use goto and put choice for brows outside the choice


goto BELLA_brows_0


label BELLA_brows_0
#choices here

Why ?

Whenever I save my description, only half is displayed and then comes a 2%?! :frowning:

Sorry for a late answer, I just saw that. Delete the first bracket.

For description: I saw a lot of people having a problem with it right now. Make sure it’s 180 chars long and make sure you write it not copy it.

its still :frowning: