Can someone cut the window out of this so that I can see my characters? SOLVED

I’m wanting to zoom in on my character with this overlay but I don’t like how there’s a semi- clear windshield. Can someone please cut the windshield out for me?


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Te puedo ayudar con lo que necesitas
este es el link de mi tienda

Could you add the overlay? I can do it but I need the image first. :sweat_smile:

OMG it didnt post! haha

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pv1_over_CAR_ANGLE_VINTAGE (1)

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Did you want it completely gone? This is an episode official overlay, so it should already be partly transparent.

Hi @SamiMichelle, is this what u wanted? :blush::heartpulse:
If so, can u please credit me by my forums name.

Open me


I cut out the windows & the windshield. :blush:

Yes thank you so much!!

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I will credit you!!

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That is what I wanted. Someone already responded but thank you so much!!

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I’m glad your happy with it & thanks for giving credit. :blush::heartpulse:

I see that this is solved :thinking: but if you wanted a transparent one…


Thank you!!

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No problem!