Can someone do a little script template for this background? PLEASE! :sobing:

Can someone make a script template for this background? It’s for a scene in my story! :smile: and I was thinking if characters could walk in/out of the scene. Maybe about like 6-7 characters? If that’s to much it can be like 4-5. :blush:

This is the background I need for the script:


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Bump! Please anyone? :slightly_frowning_face:

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Ink or LL?

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Its in ink! :blush:

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I will do it now. @raindrvps

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THANK YOU SO MUCH! :sob: :heart:

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OF COURSE! :wink:

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Im sorry if I sound pushy its just I need it my the end of tommorow is that okay? If not I can wait! :blush::heart:

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Yeah, I can try to finish it by then!

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Omg! Ur the best THANK YOU! :sob::sob::sob::heart::heart::heart:

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OF COURSE! It’s not a problem. How many do you want to walk in and out the scene?

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I’d say about 7 charcters walking and going out of the scene if thats okay :innocent::heart:

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Sure. I can do that. I will get back on and code it in a few minutes.

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Yay! Okay no worries! I can’t wait! thank you thank you!

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Of course!

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Let meh know if you need more details​:innocent::heart:

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Took me 6 years but here you complete script template:
Sorry it took so long to make.

@BGWOMAN9 spot 0.530 55 251 AND BGWOMAN9 faces right AND BGWOMAN9 is listen_phone_sigh AND BGWOMAN8 spot 0.590 225 240 AND BGWOMAN8 faces right AND BGWOMAN8 is arms_crossed_angry AND BGWOMAN4 spot 0.662 268 234 AND BGWOMAN4 faces left AND BGWOMAN4 is shiftweight AND BGWOMAN7 spot 0.854 -48 118 AND BGWOMAN7 faces right
@BGWOMAN9 moves to layer 1 AND BGWOMAN8 moves to layer 2 AND BGWOMAN4 moves to layer 3
@BGWOMAN7 walks to spot 0.854 355 104 AND BGWOMAN7 moves to layer 4 AND BGWOMAN8 is talk_angry_arms_crossed AND BGWOMAN4 is eyeroll_subtle THEN BGWOMAN3 is arms_crossed AND BGWOMAN8 is arms_crossed_angry AND BGWOMAN9 is talk_phone_sad_loop
@remove BGWOMAN7
@BGWOMAN9 is listen_phone_angry_loop
@BGWOMAN10 moves to layer 4
@BGWOMAN10 spot 0.905 360 145 AND BGWOMAN10 faces left THEN BGWOMAN10 walks to spot 0.905 -37 37 AND BGWOMAN10 is walk_talk_phone AND BGWOMAN9 is talk_phone_angry_loop AND BGWOMAN8 is talk_angry_accuse AND BGWOMAN4 is laugh_chuckle THEN BGWOMAN4 is talk_arms_crossed_angry
@remove BGWOMAN10
@BGWOMAN1 moves to layer 4
@BGWOMAN1 spot 0.751 371 170 AND BGWOMAN1 faces left THEN BGWOMAN1 walks to spot 0.71 182 165 in 5 AND BGWOMAN1 is walk_exhausted THEN BGWOMAN1 is rear AND BGWOMAN1 faces right THEN BGWOMAN1 walks to spot 0.528 173 265 in 4 AND BGWOMAN1 is walk_rear AND BGWOMAN1 moves to layer 0 AND BGWOMAN9 moves to layer 1 AND BGWOMAN4 moves to layer 3 AND BGWOMAN1 walks to spot 0.528 286 261 AND BGWOMAN1 is walk_exhausted THEN BGWOMAN1 is tinker_loop_rear
@pause for a beat
@pause for a beat
@BGWOMAN6 moves to layer 4
@BGWOMAN6 spot 0.712 -43 201 AND BGWOMAN6 faces right THEN BGWOMAN6 walks to spot 0.650 291 204 in 10 THEN BGWOMAN6 is write_notepad
@BGWOMAN6 walks to spot 0.650 348 198 AND BGWOMAN9 is hangup_phone_angry THEN BGWOMAN9 faces left THEN BGWOMAN9 faces left AND BGWOMAN9 walks to spot 0.530 -52 250 AND BGWOMAN9 is walk_trudge AND BGWOMAN4 is slap_face AND BGWOMAN8 is scream

@remove BGWOMAN1
@remove BGWOMAN6
@remove BGWOMAN10
@BGWOMAN1 faces right AND BGWOMAN1 is idle_exhausted

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Omg! What do you mean! That was super fast thank chu I really appreciate it! I’ll give you the credit you deserve! :sob::sob::sob::heart::heart::heart:

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