Can someone help me with choices that show up later in the story?

So my MC is a teacher and she is going to give the class a writing piece to do. I want the reader to pick between to choices and then this choice will have different times though out the story that will come. Someone may be brake it down for me and help me out?

This is what I have to start. I just need to know what I need to add so that in many different episodes I can bring this topic back up…
@remove Notepad White Lined from SARABETH
SARABETH (think_rubchin)
(Let’s see what should there writing piece be about?)
(This will be there piece we work on throughout the year.)
(It will be there final grade for the class.)
“Have them write about how their first year of high school was.” {
“Have them write about what they hoped to learn and what they did learn.”{

@remove Notepad White Lined from SARABETH
SARABETH (think_rubchin)
(Let’s see what should their writing piece be about?)
(This will be their piece we work on throughout the year.)
(It will be their final grade for the class.)
choice (WRITING)
“Have them write about how their first year of high school was.” {
gain high_school
“Have them write about what they hoped to learn and what they did learn.”{
gain learn

then later on in the story, you’d do:

if (high_school) {

insert scene for high school writing

} elif (learn) {

insert scene for learning writing


i think that i would do something along the lines of that. i also corrected the “there” into “their” instead, considering it’s possession.

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Thank you hadn’t checked over the spelling yet :blush: and I can use these if and elif though out different episodes?

of course, and i believe so.

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Thank you much

ofc lmk if it doesnt work

Instead of elif (learn) it should be else -


Oh okay. I am working on the story now and hoping that when I get to the first scene that recalls it I do it right. They are starting it in the first episode and it will come up quite a bit so just want to make sure I can refer back and not have to ask that question each time :blush:

No not at all, once you have a flag/gain you only need if/else you don’t need to ask the question again.

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Yea I seen that after I did it lol I fixed it and there is no error now. :slight_smile:

thank you!

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