Can someone Kindly tell me the apps you use to make covers , backgrounds ,drawing tips , edits overlays,Art scenes and more and a guide to how you do it( Only if you want but it would be very helpful to me and others)


I made the outfit and colored it in
The outline is from sofiab.epi on insta

It is my second edit so
It is bad for rn lol

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OMG its so good and can you tell us how you do it. I would love to try it out

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I really don’t know cause I can’t really explain how…
Do you have instgram…?

Yeah I do I think

What is your name

Whats yours lol


whats yours

:joy::joy: no what is yours

You dont have seriously

I have to create one I dont use it much

I do have one

what is it


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i use photoshop (i just got it) and fire alpaca. fire alpaca is free but photoshop is… sadly not as you may know…
i don’t really ‘edit’ on phone, but a good art program that i use alot is sketchbook. some drawing tips are… use references!! it can help you alot… always sketch then outline. i find it alot easier to plan my drawings out… i hope this didn’t confuse you :sweat_smile:

No not at all thanks for sharing
and do you have a tutorial of how you do your work or guidelines

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uh no… just go with the flow!! its more fun to draw that way and you won’t get bored in the middle of drawing your masterpiece :wink: if you need some practice just trace some episode characters that you have or any photo in general… then you’ll get better at it eventually. i know tracing is viewed as “terrible for you” but it actually helped me alot. i started drawing at a very young age, that’s probably why i love drawing so much lol

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Me too haha
Ok I’ll try your advice thanks a million

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no problem, just make sure to relax… don’t stress or worry that your drawings won’t look good. its not healthy for you!! :slight_smile: