Can someone please add to this Pregnanacy Tests overlay?

It’s just a really simple request… can you please add a hand to this pregnancy test so it looks like someones holding it. I kinda need 2 of them but different colored skin. The skin tones needed are Caramel and Tan

They’re both female if you wanted to know. I will credit you and, if wanted, I can add you to my story just because I suck at making random characters.
Thanks <3

I’ll do it. Give me a sec.

Does this work?
Drawing (18)

Yes, Tysm :grin:

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Can you please do the other skin color for me too ?

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Sorry that took so long, online school.

Drawing (19)

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dat hand doe

Is there something wrong with it?

nah i like how big it is like close-up

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Ok. I thought it looked a bit off with no thumb, but I can’t draw on a computer, so…

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it looks rly good tho!

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Thank you!

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Thanks :hearts: :hearts: :laughing:

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