Can someone tell me how to fix this?

Hi! If you took the time to open my forum/topic, I very much am grateful for it!
I’ve been watching and reading tutorials back to back to back and I still can’t figure out where I went wrong. I’m trying to animate my text overlays to be invisible then they fade in. I set the opacity to zero at the very beginning of the script, then I changed the opacity to one, but no matter what I do, it’s not working. Can someone please tell me how to fix this? Thank You! (pictures are below).

Screenshot 2021-10-13 11.25.54 AM
Screenshot 2021-10-13 11.26.40 AM

just remove those no.
which r before overlay name

u know?.. 454216799…

it will be like

@overlay TEXTOVERLAYTWO opacity 1 in 2

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Thank You !

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You may have an error in your script elsewhere or something may not match properly, but I was wondering if you’ve layered your overlays? You might have your text overlays behind the blurred background. Sometimes overlays also don’t appear in the layers you coded them into and if that’s the case, sometimes altering the layers in the app can fix the problem.

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Sorry for late replies, thank you for the advice!

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