Can somone turn this into a overlay?

Can somone help me make this so I can have the door open overlay/edit? :thinking:

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I can

Sure, show me the photo.

I have some doors overlays

May I see some?


Sure give me a minute

You need it open or closed and here are some that I have there are still some more

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I would need it open probably

Does it have to be like that also what should be there when the door is open

I would like it like the door in the picture.

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what should be there when the door is open

can it be so I can but a background behind it… like make the open door a overlay type thing?
If not then just a street veiw please.

sure what street

anything is fine :slight_smile:

night or day

Day please

More like a city street or one of those where there are cars?

can i use the first one
